Home remodeling is necessary to keep your home on top of its game and prevent a variety of issues from occurring. For instance, a healthy house can be maintained by renovating or updating the house’s kitchen. It helps remove any contaminants that may be lurking in the walls, flooring, or furniture. Remodeling can also help you update your home with new appliances or fixtures, like windows and insulation.
When we remodeled our home last Fall, we wanted to make sure it not only looked nice but had a healthier atmosphere in the home. We wanted a sunroom for lots of sunlight as well as various skylights throughout the house. Our bathroom remodeling contractor in Mountain View even added a skylight in the bathroom, which transformed the entire experience of taking a bath.
What Does a Healthy Home Mean?
A healthy home is a space that provides opportunities to improve your physical and emotional well-being. It means that the space is physically safe, structurally sound, and socially supportive.
A healthy home addresses the following:
– Safety: it must be free from hazards to prevent accidents and injuries; free of mold; free of toxic chemicals; and radon levels must be below 4 picocuries per liter (PCL).
– Structure: it has a roof and four walls, including exterior walls that provide protection from the elements; it meets all building codes; it has enough natural or mechanical ventilation to keep interior temperatures comfortable; it has insulation; its wiring is up to date with current technology standards (e.g., grounded outlets); its gutters are clear of debris.
What are the Benefits of Remodeling Your Home?
Remodeling your home can be a stressful and expensive process. However, the benefits of remodeling your home outweigh those drawbacks. On this page, we’ll discuss some of those benefits and what reasons you might have for remodeling your home.
1) Improve the Value:
You want to be able to sell your house one day, right? Remodeling can help to improve the overall value of your property and make it more attractive to potential buyers. For example, if you’re looking for a convenient place to store items like holiday decorations or seasonal clothing and equipment then installing an attic conversion could be a great way to provide storage space that’s always close at hand.
2) Increase Your Home’s Curb Appeal To Buyers:
Potential homebuyers are likely to be turned off by unkempt lawns, peeling paint, and dirty windows. With just a few quick design adjustments, you can quickly and easily increase the attractiveness of your home and appeal to a wider range of potential buyers. Subtle changes such as repainting, adding new fixtures, or upgrading your landscaping can go a long way.
How to Be Sure You’re Remodeling Your Home for the Right Reasons?
Remodeling your home is risky business. You can make an expensive decision, spend all of your money on the project, and then find out that you made a mistake.
There are ways to make sure that you’re not remodeling your home for the wrong reasons.
This blog post introduces some guidelines on how to be sure you’re remodeling your home for the right reasons.
Assess The Air Quality Of Your Home On a regular Basis
The air quality of your home is important to the resale value and health of a property. If you want to measure the air quality at a given location, you need to measure the levels of six common pollutants: ozone, particulate matter, nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and lead.
Test Your Home For Mold Every Year
Mold can be an insidious little creature, and it’s all around us. It starts with a few spores, and suddenly they’re in your carpet, in your sheet rock, down in the basement. And it needs just the right conditions to grow–a dark, damp place that stays at or below 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
Make Cleaning Your Home a Weekly Chore
Housekeeping is never an easy task for anyone, but it’s even more difficult when you have a full-time job. Fortunately, there are plenty of tools out there to help with the process. From cleaning solutions to automated vacuums, here are 5 home-cleaning gadgets that will make your life so much easier.